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      北佛罗里达大学孔子学院应萨瓦娜州立大学孔子学院之邀,特派出孔院讲师团(健康学院赵梅教授,文理学院王克宁教授,商学院安莲教授,强生公司徐晶博士,国内儒学专家安德义先生)进行友好的讲学访问,这是孔院机构之间的一次“以文会友,以友辅仁”的活动。此次讲座晚宴由萨瓦娜州立大学孔子学院美方院长Dr. Blood Peggy 和中方院长罗其娟女士全权操办,由社会行为科学教授Dr. Dorothy Gardner-Martine主持,由校长助理 Dr. Mable Moore 致辞。
      北佛孔院代表团当晚献上精彩的晚宴主题演讲“中国儒家文化在当代社会。”由儒学专家安德义先生开启主题演讲“儒家文化与成功人生”。安先生给在场美国人首先介绍孔子是中国最伟大的思想家,教育家。紧接着从来源,功能,内涵角度介绍儒家文化的定义。安先生特别提出儒家文化的三个核心字眼是“仁,中,和”,以“以仁为核心,以中为方法论,以和为目的”。“仁”并非“毫不利己,专门利人”的“仁”,儒家文化的“仁”就是二人相处相接的关系,就是心中时时有别人,就是“不损人而利己,不妨人而有益”。而“中”是分寸,是尺度,天下的学问就是分寸二字,说话有分寸,做事有分寸,就连道德要求也是有分寸的,做到的“仁”,“中”,检验标准就是“和谐”了,和谐是一种让他人舒服也能让自己舒服的状态。紧接着安先生提出成功人生的四个标准:1.达到预定的目标;2. 家庭关系融洽,3.子女教育成功; 4.找到心灵的归宿。而成功人生的内容是”心理健康,人格健全”,这也是孩子教育的成功标志,孩子的教育不仅仅是吹拉弹唱的才艺教育,更是情怀与格局,心智与品行的教育。一个“心理健康”的人能够与自己和谐相处,能够控制自己的情绪,而一个“人格健全”的人可以于他人和谐相处,能让他人如沐春风,由由然不忍去也。能和自己与他人都和谐相处的人生,也就是成功人生了。安先生最后特别提到成功人生的更高标准便是,不仅能成就自己,也能成就他人,所谓“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,而这就是通过领袖力表现出来。
        因为时间关系,徐晶博士不能一一展开,他着重阐述了“沟通的障碍”,因为克服沟通障碍是迈向有效沟通的第一步。而我们通常所面临哪几个沟通障碍呢?徐晶博士引用论语“子绝四:毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我”,点出“主观臆测,绝对正确,固执己见,看重自我”乃是人与人沟通的四大障碍。徐晶博士闲庭信步,娓娓道来,用生动的列子进一步阐述这四大障碍,比如说妻子看见丈夫的信用卡有附近旅店的消费记录,便怀疑丈夫出轨,殊不知是信用卡被盗导致,这便是主观臆测产生的沟通障碍;比如说夫妻间总是认为对方应该体贴我,应该关心我,对于对方的付出抱有理所当然的态度,稍有不顺便引发矛盾,这就是“ 必”,绝对的要求对方所引起的沟通障碍;又比如说很多人常常从自己的角度出发,不能采纳他人的意见,这便是“固执己见”,而这三个沟通障碍的根源又来自于第四点即“看重自我”,把自己看得太重的“我执”。徐晶博士引用安先生道:“把自己看得很小,世界就很大,把自己看得很大,世界就很小”。听众频频点头,会心微笑,发现原来生活中我们常常犯这个四个毛病却毫无知觉且居之不疑,这就是沟通的四大障碍。




Chinese Confucianism and The Millennial Generation

      The delegates from the Confucius Institute (CI) at University of North Florida (UNF)visited the CI at Savannah State University (SSU) for a dinner event to deliver a panel session titled “Chinese Confucianism and the Millennial Generation”. The event was hosted by CI at SSU, under the leadership of director Dr. Blood and co-director Ms Luo.
      Mr. An, Deyi, the keynote speaker, is an established scholar of Confucianism as well as a renowned public speaker in China. He brought the keynote speech “Confucianism and Successful Life”. He first introduced to the audience that Confucius is the most famous educator and philosopher in China. He then defined “Confucianism” from the perspective of “origin”, “functionality” and “connotation”. Especially, Confucianism has “benevolence” as its core, “doctrine of mean” as its method and “harmony” as its final pursuit. What is benevolence? It is not pure selfless, nor complete devotion of oneself. Rather, it is to put others in your heart, put yourself in other’s shoes. “Doctrine of mean” is a sense of balance, propriety, appropriateness, knowing when to go and where to stop. “There is propriety for everything, in talking, in behaving, even there is proper restraint for moral standard”, Mr. An said. If one is benevolent and sticks to “doctrine of mean”, then he can achieves harmony, making others surrounding him comfortable as well as making himself comfortable. Mr. An also proposes four criterion for successful life, i.e., 1) achieve pre-setting goals; 2) maintain harmonious relationship; 3) educate children to reach their potentials; 4) find the inner peace and serenity. Study Confucianism can help one to achieve healthy mindset as well we well-rounded personality. “Healthy mindset” enables one to get along well with oneself, and “well-rounded personality” enables one to get along well with others, then a successful life is obtained. Lastly, Mr An mentioned that another criterion for successful life is to have leadership. Typically, a great leader is also a successful person. A great leader not only establish oneself but also can help others do so. How to obtain leadership?
       Dr. Zhao, Mei, professor of health administration as well as the director for Master of Health Administration program, delivers her talk on “Confucianism and Modern Leadership”. Dr. Zhao first introduced the ten desirable qualities of a great leader, and then map them into the tenets of Confucianism, i.e., “respect, tolerance, integrity, ritualness, wisdom”. Dr. Zhao said: “What is leadership? Leadership is to put others in your heart; leadership is to sacrifice one’s own benefit for the benefit of the team; leadership is to distribute benefits, including money and fame, to subordinates.” Finally, Dr. Zhao mentioned that great communication skills is indispensable to great leadership. How to hone communication skills? Dr. Zhao then naturally introduced Dr. Jing Xu and his talk “Confucianism and Communication Skills”.
        Dr. Xu, Jing, a senior biostatistician at Vistakon Johonson&Johnson as well as a visiting assistant professor at UNF, gave a speech on how to apply Confucianism to daily communication.
        Dr. Xu first introduced the four building blocks of effective communication, i.e., “partner of communication, timing of communication, challenging situations, and obstacles in communication”. Due to the time limit, Dr. Xu focused on the four obstacles of communication, i.e., “entertaining conjectures”, “demanding absolute certainty”, “being stubborn” and “being egotistical”. For example, a lady found a hotel transaction record on her husband’s credit card, and she concluded that her husband must have engaged in extramarital affairs. However, the hotel transaction was actually due to the fraud on credit card. This is an example of “entertaining conjectures”. How to avoid it? One needs to be open-eared and act on information rather than speculation. Dr. Xu further told the audience, to avoid “demanding certainty”, one needs to be open-minded, to express feelings rather than emotions and to express needs rather than complaints. To avoid “being stubborn”, one needs to be flexible and exploring alternatives to find synergy; to avoid “being egotistical”, one needs to be thoughtful and put oneself in other’s shoes. After one conquers the four obstacles, effective communication will be on the way.

To lead a successful life, achieve leadership and communication skills, a good education is a must. Dr. Wang, Kening, an associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics, offered her titled speech “Confucianism and Modern Education”. Dr. Wang instructed the audience that aptitude-oriented education was first proposed and put into practice by Confucius. She told a story between Confucius and his three students to illustrate how Confucius applies aptitude-oriented education. Aptitude not only include students’ personality and characteristics, but also include different times and locations. So Confucius proposed that education methods should be designed according to different times and locations as well as different personalities. For example, the method to help a kid to get rid of addiction to internet games may be totally different when he is 8 years old versus when he is 15 years old. Dr. Wang further offered seven “do not blames” as practical tips, which include “do not blame in front of others; do not blame when kids already regretting; do not blame during bedtime; do not blame when eating, when excited, when upset and when sick”.

         The above four topics are all on spiritual level. Dr. An Lian, an associate professor of Economics, then offered her talk on “Confucianism and Modern Economy” to discuss implication of Confucianism on economy. Dr. An told the audience, Confucius's attitude on wealth accumulation was frequently misunderstood by people, and Confucius was blamed for being an empty talker who subordinates economic development to moral construction of a society. Thus, China did not progress a lot for many centuries due to this cultural reason. Is this really the case? Dr. An started by sharing some quotes from the Analects of Confucius Sayings. It is found that Confucius holds positive attitude toward wealth accumulation. Dr An explained, Confucianism actually is a study on human nature. Confucius understands, acknowledges and respects human nature, so it is perfect to achieve wealth since seeking benefit is part of human nature. Making fortune in a justifiable way without harming others is great. Only getting rich by harming others is despicable. To summarize, Confucius’s attitude on wealth building is “win without other’s loss, gain without other’s pain.” Dr. An proposed that economist should study Confucianism and gain deep understanding about human nature. Only economic policy based on human nature is executable and long lasting. Dr An then elaborated the three key tenets of Confucianism within the context of modern economy. Benevolence means designing good economic policy that ensure efficient and equitable production. Doctrine of median is to exert right amount of government intervention in a market. Harmony is achieved when there is alignment between individuals’ interests and public interests.
         There were very animated discussions after the five talks. Many questions are raised such as “how to resolve conflicts among several siblings”, “what is the ideology of Confucius”, “how to apply the wisdom of Confucianism to resolve the issue of South Sea of China”, and etc. The panel session proved to be an enlightening, informative and engaging event.